There are lots of scam phone calls that have been made from the phone number which is:
0331 4642962
which will call you and say that we have arrested your relative and demand money for bail in jazz cash, easy paisa, or something like that. The number has been shown so that you may avoid this kind of scam. As you know Pakistan has offer no jobs and there are filthy people in call centers that do this kind of scam to loot a lot of money from you.
Please be aware of these calls. The number is attached so that it is widely known as a scam to people.
How To Avoid:
1. Install EyeCon, so that you may know who is calling you even if the number is not saved beforehand.
Eyecon's information about the call number.
2. Never put your thumb impressions on public sim sellers as they release new sims on your thumb scan and sims may be used to scam others, always buy sims from trusted franchises.